Write, attract, and manifest your dream life and reality with these 100 powerful daily manifestation journal prompts.

A woman's hand elegantly writes in a journal - a featured image in a or a blog post on journal prompt ideas for manifestation

Scripting your manifestation journal prompts is totally different from making a wish.

When you write your daily manifestation journal prompts, you set your intentions and place an order in the universe, believing that what you write will happen to you.

Journaling is my favorite self-improvement tool for expressing my deepest emotions and unresolved feelings. 

Lately, Iโ€™ve been using these prompts to script my desires.

You probably enjoy journaling your intentions and manifesting your dreams if youโ€™re anything like me.

Or you want to learn about the journaling aspects of manifestation.

But you are confused about the type of manifestation prompts to write daily. Youโ€™re asking yourself;

Should I manifest a bigger house? A new job? A relationship? Money? Or how can I come up with what to write? Itโ€™s daunting, right?

We all have desires, which are important when attracting anything.

Feeling your desires come to pass is key to writing a manifestation journal.

So itโ€™s okay if you desire to manifest many things, whether a car, a new house, the love of your life, a job, money, a business breakthrough, etc.

Itโ€™s never too much!

First, align your thoughts and intentions daily, using specific manifestation journal prompts for your desires in each area of life.

Hence, to help you get started, in this blog post, youโ€™ll find a list of 100 powerful manifestation journal prompts calling forth your desires into existence without worrying about ever starting on a blank page and wondering what to write.

And the best manifestation journal examples so youโ€™ll stay consistent and build a journaling habit.

Before that, what is manifestation journaling? What are manifestation prompts?

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What is Manifestation Journaling?

Manifestation journaling is a technique in which you script (write) about your desires, goals, and intentions as if theyโ€™re already happening to you.

It involves using the law of attraction principle – by focusing your thoughts and energy on what you want, you can attract your desires into your life.  

Manifestation journaling helps shift your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in a more positive, empowering direction.

Itโ€™s like writing the story and trajectory of how you want your life to go like itโ€™s already happening, to attract and bring your desires to reality.

For instance, you dream of becoming a digital nomad, traveling, and making money while doing what you love.

You can write a future letter to yourself at the age of your choice and share everything โ€œyou have achievedโ€-you write them as if your desires have already happened.

Feeling your desires come to pass while scripting is key when writing a manifestation journal.

If you have the right mindset and can feel your desires happening to you, you will be more able to attract and manifest the things you desire in your life.

While the idea of manifestation, according to Rhonda Byrne:

โ€œManifestation is the act of bringing something into existence. It is the act of expressing a thought, desire, or feeling into physical form. To manifest something is to create it in your life.โ€

On the other hand, what are manifestation journal prompts?

What are Manifestation Prompts?

Manifestation journal prompts are powerful questions and statements that help you gain clarity about what you want to attract in life.

When writing manifestation prompts, you write as if your desires and intentions are happening to you.

Meanwhile, with regular journal prompts, you check in with yourself and process your feelings and emotions.

You focus on bringing your deepest desires and goals to reality for manifestation journal prompts.

It is like saying manifestation affirmation, but the difference is youโ€™re writing on paper.

With that noted, what do you write in a manifestation journal?

What to write in a Manifestation Journal?

I will always stand by the saying that there is no one-size-fits-all method for journaling.

The best way to write in a journal is to use a method that youโ€™ll feel most comfortable with, and that helps you achieve your desired results.

With that said, when writing a manifestation journal, one of the most important things to note is to write in the present tense.

For instance, if you want a new job, your regular journaling may help โ€”I want a new job in my area of expertise to help improve my life.

However, for the manifestation journal prompt, Iโ€™m working at my new job which pays 100% more than the former.

This new job brings me income and return that helps me achieve (your dreams).

Do you see the difference? One seems like a wish, while the latter is like your order in the universe is already yours.

Itโ€™s your journal. You can write about anything;

  • Things youโ€™re grateful for
  • limiting beliefs you want to let go of
  • Goals
  • A letter to your future self
  • Affirmations
  • Self-Reflection and Lessons
  • Dream and goals visualization
  • Your why in life
  • A letter to the universe.

The goal of writing your manifestation is to create a belief system that you can achieve the life you desire.

A mom journaling with with a cup of drink and her babies hands also on the desk

100 Best Manifestation Prompt Ideas

If youโ€™re unsure where to start, here are 100 manifestation journal prompts for beginners to help you write and build a daily journaling habit to manifest everything you desire.

Manifestation Journal Prompts for Love

  1. Growing together with my partner means (describe your shared goals) and supporting each other through (challenges).
  1. My ideal qualities in my partner are (list qualities), and I am (list your qualities), so weโ€™ll be a perfect match.
  1. List the fears or insecurities you need to let go of to attract love.
  1. The love I want to attract feels like (describe sensations) and looks like (paint a picture with words).
  1. What can I do to raise my vibration and align with the energy of love?
  1. The things I love the most (list things) about myself, and these qualities will contribute to my relationship by (explain how).
  1. My dream date night involves (describe the perfect evening) because it shows (qualities you value).
  1. I deserve wholesome love, that is (list affirmations), and Iโ€™m ready to receive it through (your actions).
  1. I want to be loved in ways that make me feel (list desired feelings) through (specific actions).
  1. Healthy communication in my relationship will involve (describe the steps) to resolve conflicts.
  1. List the daily habits you can adopt to maintain a loving mindset.
  1. I do (list things) to remind myself that love is always available to me.
  1. How can I stay open and receptive to the love the universe has for me?
  2. I plan to nurture my partner by (list caring actions) to show them (what these actions represent).
  1. Intimacy in my ideal relationship looks like (describe physical and emotional aspects) because (reasons).
  1. My future partner will support my dreams by (list specific ways), and Iโ€™ll support theirs by (your actions).
  1. The fear thatโ€™s held me back in relationships is (describe your fear), but Iโ€™m overcoming it by (specific actions).
  1. Iโ€™ve always told myself (negative self-talk about love), but the truth is (list positive things), and I know this because (evidence or reasoning).
  1. The story Iโ€™m rewriting about my worthiness in love is changing from (an old narrative) to (a new positive narrative), and Iโ€™m supporting this change with (concrete steps).
  1. The healthiest relationship Iโ€™ve seen had (list qualities), and I want to embody those in my relationship with my partner by (your actions). Only use the list of qualities as inspiration and avoid falling into a comparison trap

Morning Manifestation Journal Prompts

  1. Iโ€™m grateful for (list three things) in my life right now, even if they seem small – (always start your manifestation journaling with gratitude).
  1. My ideal morning starts with (describe in detail), and these habits will help me manifest (specific goals) today.
  1. As I set my intentions for the day, I expect (describe your ideal day) and feel (list emotions) knowing that I am creating this reality.
  1. My body is capable of amazing things (list them) that will help me achieve my big goal (list the area youโ€™re working on) for the day.
  1. I release negative self-talk (list the negative self-talk your future self overcame) and replace them (list them).
  1. I choose to let go of comparison and embrace my unique beauty by…
  2. I am worthy of (fill in the blank, especially areas where you have limiting beliefs), and I allow myself to receive it byโ€ฆ
  1. Every day, I open myself to miracles (write your story) and write the evidence your future self will have.
  1. I am committing to do things today (list actions) that take me closer to my goals.
  1. I align with the energy of (list what you want), and today, I will see evidence of this in (specific areas of your life).
  1. My highest self would approach today byโ€ฆ
  1. The wisdom my future self would share with me today isโ€ฆ
  1. The fear Iโ€™m ready to confront today is (fill in the blank), and Iโ€™ll do so by (list actions).
  1. Today, I recognize that my habit of (unhelpful habit) is holding me back from (your goals), and I will take the opportunity to (positive action) to move closer to (desired outcome).
  1. I am ready to release the fear of (fill in the blank), and I commit to take action today by (positive action) to attract (desired outcome).
  1. My ideal day begins with (describe your morning routine in detail), and I feel (list emotions) as I start my day with a positive mindset.
  1. I am becoming (list the qualities your future self embodies) daily.
  1. I am manifesting happiness today by adopting a mindset of (gratitude, positivity, abundance), and I will see this reflected in (list specific area of life).
  1. Three things Iโ€™m looking forward to today are (fill the blanks).
  1. I open myself to see pleasures in simple things today, and I will (list things you can do to find pleasures in little things).

Manifestation Journal Prompts for Health, Wellness, Self-love and Confidence

  1. My ideal health looks like this: (Write your story in detail), and I commit to taking care of my body by (list specific actions or habits).
  1. I am grateful for my body because it (list what your body does for you), and I will honor it by (list actions and habits).
  1. The wisdom on self-care and worth my future self would share with me today is (write about the things that make you fall in love with yourself more).
  1. I am letting go of (specific unhealthy habit) and replacing it with (healthier choice).
  1. I always seek external validation in (list areas) and release the need for external validation by (fill in the blanks).
  1. I deserve a body that is (list positive qualities), and Iโ€™m ready to nurture it by (your actions).
  1. My ideal confident self is ( list all the qualities your future self embodies).
  1. My past insecurities taught me (list lessons), and Iโ€™ll apply this wisdom by (specific actions).
  1. Write a letter to your future self describing how much you love yourself and all the things you overcame to achieve it.
  1. I am learning to love myself more each day, and today, I will practice self-love by (specific actions or affirmations).
  1. Iโ€™m opening my heart to unconditional self-love by (list specific actions) and letting go of (self-judgment or unrealistic expectations).
  1. I am the type of person who (describe all positive ways you see yourself and what you do).
  1. I deserve a life that is (list your desires), and I attract them by (your actions).
  1. The shadow aspect Iโ€™m ready to blend is (share more on your shadow self).
  1. Today, I choose to see the world and everyone around me through the lens ofโ€ฆ
  1. The synchronicity Iโ€™m inviting into my life today is (fill in the blank).
  1. I choose to rewrite my narrative about (list an area that bothers you) to (actions youโ€™ll take), and I expect (fill in the blank).
  1. I step into my authenticity today by (list them).
  2. Today, I choose to believe in myself and my abilities, and I will take (specific actions) to manifest Confidence in all areas of my life.
  1. I am manifesting a future where I am fully confident and self-assured by making (specific mindset shifts or actions) today.

Money Manifestation Journal Prompts

  1. I am thankful for all the ways (list them) money flows into my life, and I will continue to attract it by maintaining a mindset of gratitude and abundance.
  1. My past financial mistakes (list them) taught me (list lessons), and Iโ€™m applying this wisdom in (write about areas).
  1. My perfect wealth creation moment looks like this (write a story about how youโ€™re doing it).
  1. I deserve financial success and lucky breaks that (list them), and Iโ€™m ready to achieve them through (your actions).
  1. The limiting beliefs I have about more are (list), and I let go of them by (list actions).
  1. The financial flow I want to attract feels like (describe sensations) and looks like (paint a picture with words).
  1. My past manifestation doubts taught me (list lessons), and Iโ€™ll apply this wisdom by (specific actions).
  1. I am open to manifesting X amount monthly.
  1. Every day, I do these actions (list them) to increase my wealth.
  1. I have these positive emotions about financial success (list them) and cultivate these feelings by doing (list things your future self would do) to attract wealth.
  1. I am letting go of the belief that (list specific limiting belief), and I embrace the idea that (new empowering belief) will lead me to wealth and abundance.
  1. Iโ€™m beginning to open my mind to limitless possibilities for passive income by (list specific actions) and letting go of (fears and doubts about financial freedom).
  1. My future self, who has overcome all limiting money beliefs, is (list qualities), and I am (list your qualities).
  1. I love (list 10 things) about my evolving relationship with money, and these qualities will contribute to my abundance by (explain how).
  2. I am so thankful for making (describe the amount you desire) and the ease with which wealth flows into my life.
  1. I used to believe that money is (list negative belief), but now I understand that money is (positive belief), and I will honor this understanding by (specific actions).
  1. I am ready to receive large sums of money and will take the steps (list mindset, shifts, and actions) for abundance.
  1. The financial abundance I am attracting feels like (write a story).
  1. Iโ€™m adopting (list habit) to ensure my financial growth, and Iโ€™ll maintain this habit by (specific strategies).
  1. My new money story involves (describe the abundant life you want), and I reinforce this story daily by (actions, affirmations, or mindset shifts).

Manifestation Journal Prompts for Job, Goals and Success

  1. I commit daily to reaching (specific career goals) and will stay focused through (daily actions or habits).
  1. I got the recognition (be specific) I have always wanted, and I feel (write feeling) about it.
  1. I am releasing the fear of (write it) and embracing the belief that (new positive belief) will lead me to success.
  1. I deserve a relationship with money that is (list affirmations), and I take intentional steps to cultivate it by (your actions).
  1. When I hit X financial goals, I will (write down what you will do with your finances).
  1. My biggest goal is (add the goal you want to achieve), and I will focus on it by (steps youโ€™ll take). 
  1. My ideal work-life balance involves (describe balance), and I will create this balance by (list what youโ€™ll do).
  2. I see myself achieving (a big goal or milestone), and Iโ€™ll get there by (specific steps youโ€™ll take).
  1. I am committing to reaching (specific career milestone) and will stay on track by (list habits).
  1. I see myself stepping into a role where I (write the story you desire) and trust the universe to bring it to me.
  1. I am taking these steps (list them) to overcome (big limiting beliefs), and Iโ€™m now confident that I can overcome them by (actions or mindset shifts).
  1. What goals can I set to help manifest my desires (list desires)?
  1. I am happiest about my career when Iโ€ฆ
  1. If I feel I am losing faith in my abilities at work, Iโ€™ll take these steps (list steps).
  1. How can I set healthy boundaries at work with others?
  1. When I need help finding direction in my career and job, I will follow these steps (list steps).
  1. I repeat more of this action (list actions you take) because it is working right now and helping me achieve (list success).
  1. Write a letter to your future self about all these achievements, your journey, and how well youโ€™ve worked.
  1. How will achieving my biggest goal right now change things for me? 
  1. What does success mean to me?

Now, you have a list of the most powerful manifestation prompts to help you write down your reality.

Manifestation Journal Examples

Youโ€™ll become consistent with manifestation journaling when you find a technique you love. Below are some manifestation journal examples and techniques;

1. The 5 ร— 55 Manifestation Method

The 5ร—55 Manifestation Method is a manifestation technique based on the law of attraction.

In this technique, you write your goals, desires, and intentions in a positive, present-tense statement 55 times daily for five consecutive days.

The idea is to focus on your goal with intention, feel the emotion as you write it out each time, and enjoy the feeling of already accomplishing it as you write.

Assuming you want to manifest your dream life partner, youโ€™ll write, โ€œI am in a loving, committed relationship with my perfect partner who respects and adores meโ€ 55 times x 5 days.

Soak yourself in the feeling when writing โ€” how would you feel with this person? What emotions will you feel if this person is doing right by you?

Feelings are important because, in reality, you have no control over how the things you desire will manifest, but you have total control of the feeling.

Feeling your manifestations happening to you enforces positive beliefs that you can manifest your desires.

5x55 Manifestation Method

2. 369 Manifestation Method

One of my favorite manifestation journal examples is the 369 manifestation technique by Nikola Tesla.

To use the 369 method, youโ€™ll write down your desires, goals, and intentions in the present tense as if they have already occurred three (3) times in the morning, six (6) times during the day, and nine (9) nine times in the evening before you go to bed.

For example, if your goal is to manifest $5,000, you would write โ€œI now have $5,000 for XYZโ€ 3 times in the morning, 6 times during the day, and 9 times in the evening.

The beauty of this manifestation method is repetition at important times of the day (morning, afternoon, and evening) until your subconscious aligns with your desires.

369 Manifestation Journal Example

3. Gratitude List

The gratitude list is a manifestation method in which you make a daily list of things you are grateful for in your journal as if they have already happened to you.

The idea is to focus on the positive things in your life currently, and what you desire to happen in the future.

Itโ€™s like reverse-engineering your desires, hoping theyโ€™ll find their way to you if youโ€™re grateful for even the things you donโ€™t have.

When you focus on positive things and let go of the negative things holding you back, youโ€™ll appreciate the little things in life and even raise your vibrational frequency.

When you embody high-vibration energy, you move to a state of abundance, making attracting more of what you desire easier.

Gratitude list

4. Scripting to Manifest

The Scripting Manifestation technique involves writing and describing a detailed narrative about your life, desires, and goals as if youโ€™ve already achieved your desired outcome.

The script-to-manifest method helps you tap into the feelings and energy of living your dream life, which can help manifest it into reality.

For example, letโ€™s say you want to manifest a holistic lifestyle where you practice mindfulness, eat healthy food, and live in absolute peace.

In your journal, visualize what and how your healthiest self would live.

This method can also be used to set and achieve your goals.

Hereโ€™s an example scripting method template:

A pinterest pin about scripting to manifest method of manifestation journaling

5. Law of Attraction Manifestation Method

The Law of Attraction Manifestation Method is based on the principle that โ€œlike attracts like.โ€

You attract what you focus on, think about, and believe into your life.

What you think about, write about, talk about, โ€”  will become your reality. 

Simply put, the energy you put into the universe through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will similarly return to you.

So, if you want to manifest good things, think and believe that only good and positive things happen in your life.

A Pinterest graphics of law of attraction manifestation journal example

6. Manifest List

A manifest list is a method of manifestation in which you write about what you want to happen in your life.

In your journal, list everything you want to manifest in your life, material items, experiences, relationships, financial abundance, etc.

It could be something as simple as a morning routine.

Or it could be;

  • a new car
  • a romantic getaway with my partner
  • paying off my student loans
  • starting a meditation practice
  • learning a new language
  • starting an online business
  • making a side income
  • attracting the right people
  • Saving X amount, etc.

Your manifestation list is personal โ€” you only write things that feel authentic.

7. Letter to Future Self

Writing a letter to your future self is my favorite manifestation journal method.

Itโ€™s like parceling all the good things you want to happen to you into an envelope for your future self.

You write a letter from the perspective of your future self, who has already achieved your current goals and desires.

Future self-letters help boost your mindset and empower you to believe you can do anything.  

Youโ€™re writing from a place of someone who has already manifested everything she wants and desires.

A Pinterest pin of an image - a letter addressed to the future self. This is an example of manifestation journal

More Positive Journal Prompts & Affirmations for You

Final Thoughts on Journal Prompts for Manifestation

Starting a manifestation journal can change your life.

Apart from helping you attract and manifest the things you desire. It can also be a tool for evaluating and keeping yourself in check.

While manifestation is real, avoid writing things and desires that are unbelievable to you.

In the end, to manifest something, you must first believe that you can do it.

So, use these journal prompts for manifestation to build a routine and never worry about having a blank page.

First, start by writing your manifestation journal in a way that feels good, and believable to you.

Choose a manifestation journal technique that youโ€™re most comfortable with.

Finally, stop trying to control the process to make your manifestation work.

Instead, let it go and let God make it happen.

Which manifestation technique resonates with you better? Have you manifested anything in the past? Let me know in the comments.

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