Are you in your feminine energy? Do you express your feminity for a better living? Here are 22 signs of feminine energy traits and how they affect your life.

Image of three women in yoga attire performing a A downward dog pose. Featured in a blog post on feminine energy traits

Be a little tougher, show fewer emotions, and be less vulnerable so you won’t be taken for granted or become a huge “force” everyone will acknowledge.

Often, they tell you to show less feminine energy traits or that you’re too feminine.

With TikTok and Genz’s “repackaged feminine energy” trend and the misconception that being in your femininity means looking appealing to men.

Hence, shifting the total focus to superficial topics like being a “girly girl,” wearing pink shades and makeup, not chasing your dreams, taking the traditional wife role, or being submissive.

I could go on and on about all the misconceptions about what it means to possess feminine energy traits, especially on TikTok.

But here’s the truth: feminine energy is not about gender. It’s genuinely more about your characteristics than gender-based.

Both men and women can possess feminine energy, and each of these energies, Yin and Yang, lies within us.

The question is, which is dominant?

How do you know you have high feminine energy traits, and how can you tap into your femininity holistically, void of superficial or external pressures?

Keep reading because this blog post is the ultimate guide to the telltale signs of being in your feminine energy, myths about femininity, the differences between your masculine and feminine energy, and how to tap into your femininity.

But before that, if feminine energy isn’t about being girly, passive, laid-back, and sultry—you know, the “be a woman and nothing more”—what is feminine energy?

What is Feminine Energy?

Feminine energy is an internal force (one of the cosmic forces) rooted in ancient philosophers such as Yin and Yang (two opposing) but connected forces.

It is a set of qualities associated with authenticity, intuition, empathy, nurturing, super creativity, and emotional awareness.

Think of feminine energy as nighttime, coolness, and calmness; It’s about being receptive, going inward to your core, intuitive, resting, and going by your feelings.

It’s an internal force or way of being that anyone, regardless of gender, can embody or express.

But we can only speak about feminine energy and balancing our yin and yang when we know what masculine energy is.

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 Woman in black dress sitting on bed, embodying feminine energy traits

Feminine Energy vs Masculine Energy

Feminine energy is all about being receptive, intuitive, flowing with life, expressing your emotions, being laid back, grounded, nurturing, and sensual.

It’s the part of you that connects deeply with others, tunes into emotions, and creates from the heart.

Masculine energy, on the other hand, is about action, logic, direction, and active doing.

It’s the part of you that gets things done, makes plans, charges, builds, and protects

These energies aren’t about being a man or woman, strong or weak, or successful.

They’re just different ways of approaching life. The trick is finding the right balance for you.

Here is a fact: we all have to go on our journey to discover what the feminine is for us, and that there are no easy answers.

There’s so much misinformation out there about this.

Believe me, those ethereal images of goddesses with long hair and mythical looks you see on TikToks have nothing to do with being in your feminine energy (I digress).

So what makes a woman in her feminine energy? What are feminine energy traits? What are the signs of high feminine energy?

Keep reading to find out if you’re in your femininity or need a little help embodying your divine feminine energy wholesomely.

An infographic and Pinterest Pin about Masculine energy vs feminine energy

22 Signs of High Feminine Energy Traits

How do you know if you’re in your divine feminine energy? Below are 22 obvious signs of high feminine energy traits. 

1. You Connect and Trust Your Intuition

Do you know that gut feeling you get sometimes?

It’s like an inner voice telling you what direction to take, “Oh, this doesn’t feel right. Maybe I shouldn’t go on a date with this person. I should apologize. I’m in the wrong.

That’s your intuition!

When you’re in your feminine energy, you don’t just hear that little voice in your head – you actually listen to it.

And more importantly, you trust it.

Think about how often you’ve followed your gut, and when it happens, you’re like, “Oh, I said it,” or when you don’t, you kick yourself for ignoring that tiny voice in your head.

Women with high feminine energy traits trust their intuition but don’t completely ignore logic – they have a balance between logic and their inner wisdom.

2. You Are Receptive

Another sign of feminine energy traits is receptiveness to the world around you.

You’re open to helping others, a good listener, and not always trying to control everything around you.

You notice the little things – how people feel, changes in your environment, and sometimes can feel other people’s unexpressed emotions.

Being receptive is like being an open book. 

You’re not closed off or always on the defensive.

Instead, you’re open to new ideas, experiences, and even criticism — we agree that criticism is not always sweet, no matter how sugarcoated it comes.

But instead of being defensive, you see it as a chance to improve.

Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t close to being a pushover or a weakness because having healthy boundaries with others is one of the telltale signs of being in your femininity.

More so, it means you’re good at making lemonades from lemons life throws at you.

3. Enjoy Pleasures in Little Things of Life

Women with high feminine energy find pleasure in the little things in life.

You could swoon, relax, or feel excited over drinking a cup of coffee.

Little things, like seeing a tiny insect move around or the sunset going down, can make you take a moment to observe them.

You notice and enjoy the simple everyday things;

How delicious coffee smells, how beautiful the sun sets, and how good it feels to light a scented candle and turn on your favorite music when handling your chores.

It’s about finding joy in things that might seem small or ordinary to others.

Trust me, you’re not settling for less or not having high standards (high feminine women sure have standards, know their self-worth, and add tax on that).

However, it’s about learning to enjoy the journey, not just the destination—life itself is a journey, and these little things make it enjoyable.

You’ll live a better life when you find little things that make you happy.

You’re not waiting for something big to make you happy – you’re creating happiness out of the everyday mundane things around you.

4. You Are Emotionally Aware

Being in tune with your emotions is practically one sign of being in your feminine energy.

I have heard [people say to men, “OMG, you’re too emotional, and seriously you behave like a woman.”

This is supposed to be a derogatory statement, right?

But I find it more empowering.

Being emotionally aware of your feelings and those around you is powerful, not a weakness.

You identify and understand your feelings and filter between emotions – like sadness, anger, or excitement.

When you’re emotionally aware, you can connect with others on a deeper level because you understand what’s happening to them under the surface.

Also, when you understand your emotions, you make healthy choices that are true to who you are.

You’re not just doing what you think you should do – you’re doing what feels right for you.

5. Care For Others

As a highly feminine woman, you’re nurturing. You’re ready to take care of yourself and others around you.

Being nurturing means showing genuine concern for people’s well-being and being there for them in both big and small ways.

When you embody this trait, you’re naturally attuned to the needs of those around you.

You’re a good listener. You don’t just hear words; you try to understand what people say and feel.

Because you’re in your feminine energy, taking care of others, such as pets, friends, family, and partners, and things around you, like pets and plants, make you happy.

I digress.

Do you regularly do things for others that seem small but will mean the world to them?

Randomly, I do pedicures for my partner and most people around me for no reason (maybe because I enjoy it a little too much, lol).

6. High Level of Empathy

Remember above that being receptive and emotionally aware are signs of high feminine energy traits.

Putting everything together leads to emotional empathy – you feel other people’s emotions like a psychic.

You don’t have to be one to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Being empathetic means you’re good at reading the room.

You can tell when someone’s going through life, even if they’re trying to hide it.

You’re the kind of person who knows just what to say to make someone feel better—you’re compassionate.

7. Appreciate and Enjoy Aesthetics

Highly feminine women find pleasure in aesthetics and appreciate it.

Little wonder you’ll see viral posts on TikTok about how the “wife” usually champions the house renovation.

A man will tell you a “color is orange.”

On the other hand, women will see different shades of orange: “burnt orange, carrot orange, peach, dark orange.”

When you tap into your feminine energy, you see beauty in little things and can transform anything from bland to “oh yeah.”

This could be how you dress or your outfit combination.

You enjoy putting together elegant, stunning outfits that feel right for you.

Or maybe you enjoy making your home feel cozy and beautiful.

Your next favorite thing is to look for ideas on Pinterest about areas of interest, even if it’s just with a couple of plants and some cool pillows.

 Woman in pink dress holding purse, embodying feminine energy

8. You’re Creative

Another essential telltale high feminine energy trait is creativity.

You’re super creative and can make anything enjoyable.

You take the regular things people do and transform them into an experience.

When you’re in touch with your creative side, you constantly develop new ideas that interest you, like writing, photography, lifestyle, and even the aesthetics of your social media pages.

For example, I’m forever stunned by Jen’s of Tonic shop’s super creativity. The way she writes and creates inspires me.

Trust me, it doesn’t have to be grand.

It can be little things like fixing things around the house or constantly tweaking recipes (I love having fun with recipes).

9. You Pay Attention to Details

You pay attention to the little details others may ignore.

These feminine traits go hand in hand with being empathetic, receptive, and emotionally aware.

You notice things other people consider unimportant.

It could be your friends hiding their feelings when they’re hurting, or your colleague at work enjoying their coffee a particular way.

When you’re attentive, you naturally pick up on the little things.

If people often say you’ve got a good eye for detail, you’re tapping into this aspect of your divine feminine energy.

10. You Seek Deep Connections

This is one good feminine trait if you always seek meaningful, deep connections instead of on-the-surface relationships with others.

It helps you build healthier, stronger bonds with others.

Plus, you value your relationships and prefer having less crowd but your “own people.”

You lead the way you feel when conversing with friends and family, and you’re not scared of having tough conversations, although they make you uncomfortable.

11. You Practice Self Care and Self Love

One of the most important aspects of being in your feminine energy is understanding the core of practicing self-love and care.

You prioritize nurturing and nourishing your mind, soul, and body and fully implement self-care activities into your daily routine.

From creating a self-care morning routine that allows you to thrive daily to setting healthy boundaries with others, prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being over toxic relationships, and intentionally letting go of bad habits holding you back.

You understand that makeup, wigs, and pretty dresses are tools for expressing and harnessing your femininity; they are not the core of who you are.

You’re not afraid to be your most authentic self; you love and accept yourself wholeheartedly, void of external pressures, especially from social media.

Kindly note that intentionally practicing self-love is not selfish—it’s more like filling up your cup so you can “pour into” others.

When you’re into self-care, you make time for the things that make you feel good.

That could be taking a long bubble bath, walking in nature, or chilling with a good book.

It’s different for everyone, but the point is that you know what your soul needs and you make it happen.

12. You’re Not Afraid to Be Vulnerable

Do you consider yourself someone vulnerable?

I don’t mean spilling your guts to everyone you meet.

I mean asking for help when you need it.

Allowing others to be there for you as much as you are for them, saying “it hurts” when you’re hurting, and being your most authentic self instead of putting up a fake smile every other day.

When you stop suppressing your feminine energy, you’ll realize asking for help instead of trying to do everything yourself is totally okay.

Or letting someone know how you genuinely feel, even if you’re worried they might not feel the same way.

Women with high feminine energy traits healthily express themselves with respect and compassion, and they understand that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness.

Being vulnerable is a strength because understanding, acknowledging, and expressing your feelings takes so much.

This is another reason why the myth that feminine energy is inferior or masculine energy is incorrect.

13. Flexible and Adaptable

Another sign of high feminine energy is flowing and not forcing.

You understand that change is a part of life and that there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. 

Instead of fighting it or panicking, you let go of things beyond your control and focus on making the best out of every situation.

For example, my friend would always say that one of the things he admires the most about me is my ability to stay calm in chaotic situations.

This was before I knew the concept of feminine energy.

I prefer focusing on solutions instead of problems, so that’s why my mind is always busy.

Being fluid may mean learning new skills for a changing job market or letting go of a relationship that isn’t working instead of staying where you’re not treated with respect and love.

Or learning new ways to grow your business on social media with constant algorithm change.

PS: If you’re a blogger like me, you are familiar with Google HCU, and the constant changes in the Pinterest algorithm.

When you embrace your femininity, you’ll open up to new ways of doing things instead of always sticking to what you know.

14. Emotionally Expressive

Being emotionally expressive is a feminine energy trait that closely relates to being vulnerable, but they’re different.

When you’re emotionally expressive, you laugh when you’re happy and cry when you’re sad.

You don’t hide your emotions or always act “cool.”

For a high-value feminine woman, expressing yourself is not the same as throwing tantrums or doing things that hurt other people.

On the other hand, when you’re vulnerable, you open up about deeper, more personal feelings and be honest about your fears, insecurities, or past hurts.

A practical example of expressing your emotions is crying when you’re seeing a sad movie.

Now, this is not being dramatic; you’re comfortable letting others see how you feel at the moment.

15. Love Collaborations

Do you enjoy collaborating with others?

Planning another trip with friends makes you super excited, or partnering with another creator makes you happy.

If you enjoy collaborating, you’re living in your divine femininity.

This feminine energy trait goes beyond simply working well with others — it’s about genuinely thriving in cooperative environments and finding joy in collective achievements.

You don’t gatekeep and enjoy working sessions where you share ideas and bring new creative projects to life.

Please note that loving collaborations doesn’t mean you can’t work independently.

Not enjoying collaborations as much is not a defining factor for your masculine energy being higher, either.

16. You Connect to Nature

If you always want to be outside, you always want to take care of the environment.

When you’re surrounded by nature, you feel like your true self; that’s your feminine energy shining through. It’s pretty cool.

Also, growing and nurturing this, like raising plants at home, excites you.

Other times, you feel happy at the beach, out in nature for a hike, or watching an animal go around, which sends happiness and a smile to your face.

17. Staying True To Yourself

One misconception I see on social media about embodying divine feminine energy traits is wanting to be perfect.

“Be goddess-like,” transform into something you’re not, sexy and attractive to men.

While being in your feminine energy will attract others to you. It’s not the core reason you should tap into your feminine energy.

The essence of embodying high feminine energy is to express your most authentic self.

And understand you’re the price!

When you stay true to yourself, you’ll start making decisions that feel right to you and not what others expect.

You wear nice clothes because of how they make you feel and not to impress others all the time.

Also, it becomes much easier to say no to inconveniencing situations and put yourself first.

And this is a recipe for a well-grounded, mindful lifestyle.

When you stay true to yourself, you permit others to do the same around you.

It’s like you’re showing the world that it’s okay to be authentic.

18. Enjoy Fulfilling Relationships

Desiring and maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships with others is a high feminine energy trait.

You prefer a smooth, balanced, and healthy relationship over drama.

You are all about making deep, meaningful connections in romantic relationships and your relationships with your friends, family, and even yourself.

Most importantly, you prioritize quality over quantity and keep only those invested in your self-growth who will root for you any day and anytime.

19. Healthy Boundaries

Learning to have healthy boundaries with others changed my life.

I’m a recovering people-pleaser, and I’ll tell you for free that having healthy boundaries doesn’t ruin relationships.

In fact, it makes them better and more wholesome.

Establishing healthy boundaries doesn’t make you mean.

Contrarily, good boundaries make you more approachable and respectable.

People know where they stand with you, and that’s refreshing.

So, if you say yes and mean yes and no when it’s comfortable.

You express your feelings without being rude and understand that having different opinions is okay.

These are signs that you embody the traits of high feminine energy, irrespective of your biological gender.

20. You Have Feminine Presence

High feminine energy women are alluring, graceful, and have a soft aura—they’re attractive and don’t chase.

They are magnetic, calm, and confident, yet command respect and attention.

You’re soft yet not weak; you love yet fierce and not a pushover.

You’re comfortable with your sensuality – this doesn’t mean being overtly sexual, but being at ease with your body and your senses.

Having a feminine presence isn’t about being girly and pinky; it’s more about the energy and aura you give off.

It’s more about authenticity and allowing your natural, divine feminine energy to shine.

Also, it’s important to note that feminine presence isn’t just for women.

Anyone can embody these qualities, regardless of gender. It’s all about tapping into that receptive, intuitive, nurturing energy inside us.

21. Committed to Mindful Self Growth

Feminine energy blossoms on a journey of continuous self-discovery and growth, grounded in nurturing our inner selves.

Do you consciously engage in activities that improve your life and mind?

Whether reading, journaling for self-growth, meditation, practicing daily affirmations, or committing to becoming 1% better daily?

If yes, these are signs that you are embracing your femininity.

However, if you stopped taking intentional steps to better your life, I don’t mean only economic value but mindful wellness practices.

These may be signs of wounded femininity.

Take a step back, reflect, embrace your shadow self, and work your way back.

Highly feminine women are far from perfect; they’re women who are intentional about living better.

Feminine energy traits showcased with a book, water glass, and plant on a bed.

22. Grateful for the Little Things

Finding simple pleasures in life is one of the most powerful feminine energy traits—this trait can change anyone’s perception of life.

And when you find pleasure in little things, you’ll start cultivating a gratitude mindset.

For example, if you love the smell of fresh coffee, you’ll start appreciating having coffee in the morning.

If you find pleasure in journaling, you’ll be grateful to kickstart your day with morning journal prompts.

Or, if you love giving and receiving hugs from your partner, you’ll naturally feel grateful for each moment you get to share those connections.

Clearly, it shows how interconnected these feminine traits are and how they can make you a better version of yourself.

There you have it, the telltale signs of feminine energy traits.

If you embody all of this 22 list of feminine traits, awesome!

However, having some and needing some work in other areas is okay.

Pat yourself on the back. Because you’re reading this, it means you want to work on yourself and become better.

Everyone needs feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang) energy for a balanced life.

That’s why seeking harmony and balance between these energies is essential.

 hand with a ring submerged in water, symbolizing peace

How to Balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energy

Most women have a dominant feminine core.

However, they try to suppress this side because you don’t want to feel weak or taken advantage of.  

Basically, you’re suppressing your divine feminine energy as a defensive technique, or you’re trying to fit into societal expectations.

Be aggressive in chasing your goals, don’t show too many emotions, and remember that you’re not the only one going through life.

While these words may seem random, hearing them frequently influences your perception and reaction.  

Thus, since masculine energy is about assertiveness and moving forward, it tends to be “valued” more than feminine energy.

When both energies are truly as powerful and independent of gender.

We all need these energies in a healthy balance to live a mindful, healthy, and successful life.

So, seek balance instead of suppressing your feminine side.

Here’s how to balance your feminine and masculine energy:

1. Become Self-Awareness:

Reflect and observe when you naturally embody feminine or masculine traits.

When you’re aware, you consciously balance these energies in different situations.

2 . Practice Mindfulness:

Engage in wellness and mindfulness activities, such as meditation, journaling, affirmations, and yoga, to connect with both your intuitive feminine side and your assertive masculine side.

3. Embrace Your Natural Inclination:

What are your strengths? What comes to you easily? What needs more work?

For example, if nurturing, empathy (feminine energy), focus, and determination (masculine energy) come to you easily, using both sides in situations will help you become a better human.

4. Communicate:

Learn to express how you truly feel.

Be open to communicating in relationships, and express vulnerability and assertiveness authentically.

5. Honor Your Needs:

Recognize when you need self-care and nurturing (feminine energy) versus when action and decisiveness are required (masculine energy).

Constantly adjust accordingly to maintain balance.

Conclusion: Breaking The Misconceptions About Feminine Energy Traits

Wheew! That’s a long one on the signs of high feminity.

However, be mindful of some myths about feminine energy. Here are some common myths about feminine and masculine energies;

  • Feminine energy is inferior to masculine energy – feminine energy is definitely not submissive to masculine. You need both to thrive better,
  • That being in your feminity is about appealing to the taste of men: Nah, it’s about inner qualities, not appearance.
  • You can’t be successful with too much feminine energy: Both energies lead to success in different ways.
  • You have to choose between feminine and masculine energy — This is false. Everyone embodies both, and we all need both. Instead of choosing, seek balance.
  • Only women have feminine energy – both men and women possess the yin and yang energies. It has nothing to do with gender.
  • Being in your feminity means too soft – feminine energy can be fierce and protective, but it doesn’t mean you’re always soft.

Kindly note that being a trad wife has nothing to do with being in your feminine energy.

So, I hope you embody these feminine energy traits wholeheartedly.

And if you’re a man reading this, I hope you embrace these traits and drop the weight of never being in tune with your inner emotions.

Embodying these feminine energy traits will make you a more balanced human.

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