Self care affirmations for Positivve living

Is using self care affirmations also an effective part of self-care? How can I use affirmations for self care to improve myself and my mental health?

Using and speaking positive affirmations for self care can change your life completely. 

It can change how you experience self-love, live, interact with others, and achieve your goals in life.

Especially if youโ€™re dealing with some emotional baggage like a lack of self-love, anxiety, depression, low confidence, and self-esteem, and constantly feeling overwhelmed and undeserving.

Speaking daily self care affirmation can help boost your self-esteem and, most importantly, change your perspective on life and how you see yourself.

But letโ€™s be honest, it takes a lot of willpower and discipline to practice daily affirmations for self care, and thatโ€™s because self-improvement is never a destination.

Instead, itโ€™s a journey, and someday, when youโ€™re feeling so low, you wonโ€™t want to affirm or speak positive things to yourself.

Because, somewhere, thereโ€™s that tiny voice in your head constantly seeking that you judge yourself in the most horrible ways, and this is where you need to wield the power of positive self care affirmations.

Surprisingly, saying positive self care affirmations like โ€œIโ€™m perfect and whole, I deserve the best care, and Iโ€™m worthy of good lovingโ€ works like magic. 

While for others, speaking and writing these self care affirmation statements helps them feel better and charge their subconscious.

Therefore you need to find your โ€œPowerful Self care Affirmationโ€ so you can treat and love yourself better. 

And if you are confused about where to start, donโ€™t worry. Today is your lucky day as I have a list of 100+ Powerful affirmations for self care that will promote self-compassion, acceptance, and self care and ultimate;y change your life.

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What are Positive Self Care Affirmations?

Self-care affirmations are positive statements (words) you can say to yourself to promote self-love, compassion, clear headspace, acceptance, and, importantly, so you can love and care for yourself better.

They are positive words you speak to yourself every day while looking at the mirror or powerful words you write with intentions of living those words as your reality.

Affirmations for self care are words we speak to our subconscious to get better results in how we love, care, and see ourselves.

For example: if youโ€™re struggling with an inferiority complex, affirming words like โ€œIโ€™m enough, I deserve Good things, I can do it, Iโ€™m valid, and I can achieve my goalsโ€ can help you speak to your subconscious and before you know it, youโ€™ll start manifesting it.

Affirmations for self care work wonders, and I can tell you for a fact. because it works for me.

And without further ado, here are some examples of self-care affirmations you can try to love and care for yourself better.

self care affirmations for beter self care

120 Self Care Affirmations for Better Self Care & Compassion

  1. I deserve to take care of myself.
  2. Only positive thoughts can live in my mind.
  3. I deserve compassion
  4. My productivity does not define my worth.
  5. I am worthy of a healthy relationship.
  6. My needs are important and worthy of attention.
  7. I choose to prioritize my well-being today.
  8. Iโ€™m capable of handling challenges and obstacles that come my way.
  9. I trust in my abilities and strengths.
  10. Iโ€™m worthy of good loving and respect.
  11. My body is perfect, and Iโ€™m grateful for all that it does for me.
  12. I deserve to rest.
  13. Setting boundaries is okay, and Iโ€™m allowed that protect my mental health.
  14. Today, I choose to focus on the present moment and let go of worry about the past or future.
  15. I will prioritize my needs today because Iโ€™m worthy of love, care, and support.
  16. I trust my instincts and will make choices that support my physical and mental health and well-being.
  17. Today, I permit myself to take a break and rest when I need it.
  18. I acknowledge my emotions and give myself space to process them.
  19. Iโ€™m wholesome and complete and fearfully made in every way.
  20. My body is priceless, and Iโ€™ll treat it with kindness and respect.
  21. I am present in each moment.
  22. I let go of perfectionism and I accept myself just as I am.
  23. I feel at home in my body.
  24. I deserve happiness and will make time for activities that bring me joy.
  25. Itโ€™s okay to have boundaries, and I honor my boundaries and communicate them with others.
  26. Iโ€™m super proud of my accomplishments and celebrate my successes, no matter how small.
  27. I prioritize my self-care, knowing it benefits me and those around me.
  28. I am grateful for the place Iโ€™m currently at, even while Iโ€™m still growing.
  29. Caring for myself is not a chore. Itโ€™s a lifestyle.
  30. Nothing is worth my peace of mind, and Itโ€™s okay to set boundaries and Protect them.
  31. Iโ€™m a work of art, and I embrace my body for its unique beauty.
  32. I prioritize my health and well-being over societal beauty standards.
  33. My body is empowered, and Iโ€™m confident about it.
  34. Taking care of myself makes me happy.
  35. I choose to love and accept my body, flaws, and all there is.
  36. No matter what my body looks like, Iโ€™m worthy of respect and love.
  37. Daily, I choose to celebrate my body and all that makes it unique.
  38. Iโ€™m worthy and grateful even if I fail right away.
  39. I am confident in my skin.
  40. Everything I need to achieve my goals is already within me.
  41. I release negative thoughts and embrace positive affirmations about my body.
  42. My intentions are stronger than my doubts
  43. Iโ€™m worthy of love and donโ€™t have to fight to earn love.
  44. I deserve to have breaks. I donโ€™t need to put too much pressure on myself. 
  45. People like me for who I am and not what I perceive them to be.
  46. My body is strong, capable, and flourishing.
  47. My emotions are valid. I feel my emotions rather than pushing them away.
  48. I deserve to feel good in my body.
  49. Iโ€™m comfortable in my skin.
  50. Every day, Iโ€™ll nourish my body with healthy foods and exercise.
  51. I treat my body with kindness and respect because Itโ€™s a Temple.
  52. I accept what I cannot control.
  53. Growth is a process, and I invest time in it.
  54. I am worthy and grateful even if I fail right away.
  55. If I start small, I can make exercising a habit.
  56. Some days my progress may be very little, but itโ€™s still better than nothing.
  57. Iโ€™m a desirable being.
  58. I manifest anything I desire in life.
  59. I attract loving friendships and relationships.
  60. I am allowed to prioritize my needs and boundaries, which is totally okay.
  61. Iโ€™m capable of creating a peaceful and calming environment for myself.
  62. Today, I choose to let go of negative thoughts and emotions and focus on positivity.
  63. My mind is clear, calm, and focused.
  64. I give myself permission to rest and recharge.
  65. Iโ€™m in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  66. Even in difficult times, I am strong and resilient.
  67. Iโ€™m worthy. Therefore Iโ€™ll Take some time for myself every day.
  68. I trust my intuition and make decisions that serve my highest good.
  69. I release any tension and stress in my body and mind.
  70. Iโ€™m worthy of experiencing joy and happiness.
  71. I embrace my unique qualities and am at peace with who I am.
  72. Iโ€™m surrounded by love and support, and Itโ€™s beautiful.
  73. I am worthy of unending compassion.
  74. I choose to live in the moment, focus on the present moment, and let go of worries about the future.
  75. I trust God to provide me with what I need.
  76. I deserve a healthy and balanced life.
  77. I am surrounded by positive energy and love and will protect the energy around me.
  78. Iโ€™m at peace with myself and the world around me.
  79. I choose to let go of things that no longer serve me.
  80. I am worthy of giving and receiving love in all beautiful forms.
  81. Iโ€™m grateful for my strengths and work on improving my weaknesses.
  82. Iโ€™m a beautiful work in progress.
  83. I trust myself to make the right decisions for myself.
  84. I deserve a life filled with love, abundance, and happiness.
  85. I am grateful for my body, and Itโ€™s perfect. And I take care of it through exercise and healthy eating.
  86. I am worthy of having fulfilling, healthy, and meaningful relationships. 
  87. I choose to be kind and compassionate to myself.
  88. The blessings in my life are no small feat, and I am grateful for all of them.
  89. I am enough just as I am, and thatโ€™s the truth.
  90. I am capable of giving and receiving unconditional love.
  91. Iโ€™m capable and let go of all limiting beliefs that no longer serve me.
  92. Taking care of myself is my first responsibility.
  93. My self-care is a priority.
  94. Taking good care of myself is easy.
  95. My growth process is valid, and Iโ€™m grateful for all my baby steps.
  96. I am intelligent, beautiful, courageous, and self-confident.
  97. My past doesnโ€™t define me. Therefore, I break from them.
  98. Today, I focus on the present moment and enjoy the journey.
  99. Iโ€™m unique, and I embrace my uniqueness and celebrate my individuality.
  100. I am committed daily to my growth and development.
  101. I thrive in a peaceful body.  
  102. My self-care is not a chore.
  103. Iโ€™m committed to my self-care, and It isnโ€™t selfish.
  104. Iโ€™m my authentic self; every day, I commit to my growth and self-development.
  105. I live intentionally
  106. Practicing self-care is essential, and my self-care routine is a priority in my daily life.
  107. I desire a peaceful life, and I can create a life filled with love, joy, and peace.
  108. Iโ€™m worthy of all the time and energy I invest in myself.
  109. I trust in my ability to cope with stress and anxiety.
  110. In difficult times, I choose to be kind to myself daily.
  111. โ€œyour name, I am Enough.โ€
  112. I am worthy and deserving of respect and admiration from others.
  113. I am open to new experiences and opportunities that bring me joy and peace.
  114. I forgive myself for any mistakes and learn from them.
  115. I embrace my flaws and imperfections as part of what makes me unique.
  116. I am a work in progress, and that is okay.
  117. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  118. Splashing a few bucks on self-care products is okay, and Iโ€™m worth every penny.
  119. Getting good rest is my priority
  120. Blaming myself is hurtful, and I let go of the past and mistakes.
Why self care affirmations are important

Why Use Daily Self Care Affirmations?

1 | Reframing Your Mind: 

With positive affirmations, you can speak to your subconsciousness and reframe your mindset towards and your self-perception

A little Story: At a point in my business, I felt like I wasnโ€™t growing but had everything I needed to succeed. 

However, I wasnโ€™t taking action or the right actions. Then I started affirming positive statements like โ€œFaith, you have everything you need to grow, so stop procrastinating.โ€

Surprisingly, affirming these words and journaling helped me feel less anxious and finally create a path and pattern that works for me.

2 | Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Speaking good self-care affirmations to yourself can help reduce stress and calm the mind. 

And I can tell you for a fact that it works wonders. 

Quick question; Have you ever been so anxious that you feel like your heart is going to burst open? 

Well, Iโ€™m no stranger to that kind of situation, and affirming positive statements is not only calming, but pairing it with journaling can help you find healing.

3 | Boosts self-esteem and self Love:

Speaking positive affirmations for self care helps to boost self-esteem and confidence. Because when you practice daily self care affirmations, you remind yourself of all your positive qualities and strength.

Ultimately, this makes you feel better about yourself, and when you feel better about yourself, you love yourself more and become more confident in yourself and your abilities.

Additionally, repeating positive self care affirmation statements helps to counter negative talks and thoughts and promotes self-love.

For instance, are you struggling with self-hate? Remind yourself of all the good qualities you have daily, and watch those negative thoughts disappear.

3 | Improves your mood and Increases Motivation

Repeating positive affirmation statements helps improve oneโ€™s mood, leading to happiness and positivity. 

When you feel happy, you also feel motivated to take action and achieve your goals.

4 | Encourages self-care

Speaking self-care affirmations helps to promote and encourage self-care. Because as you keep reminding yourself of how important you are and why โ€œself-care isnโ€™t selfish,โ€ you reframe your mind and become more compassionate towards yourself.

Finally, spending a few hours or minutes practicing self-care wouldnโ€™t feel like a chore because you know youโ€™re with it and deserve all the love and care in the world.

self care affirmations frequently asked questions

Self Care Affirmations FAQ

Do you Practice Self Care Affirmations Daily? 

Yes, you should practice self care affirmations daily. 

Additionally, you donโ€™t necessarily need to affirm many words daily. Just choose your powerful words and affirm them daily. 

For example, as an entrepreneur, I tell myself this daily โ€œFaith, you have everything you need to succeed in business.โ€ 

And this simple statement helps me deal with procrastination and chase my goals diligently daily.

Suffix it to say, you need to find your โ€œpower wordsโ€ and affirm them daily.

What are Five Self Care Affirmations to Tell Yourself Everyday?

The truth is everyone has their power words (words that fuel you up). So, you need to discover your โ€œpower wordsโ€ and affirm them daily. 

But if Iโ€™m to recommend 5 Self care affirmations to tell yourself daily, these are my pick;

  • Only positive thoughts can live in my mind.
  • Iโ€™m worthy of love and deserve a life filled with love, abundance, and happiness.
  • Setting boundaries is okay, and Iโ€™m allowed that protect my mental health.
  • My body is perfect, and Iโ€™m grateful for all that it does for me.
  • Iโ€™m committed to my self-care, and It isnโ€™t selfish
  • โ€œYour Name, I am Enough.โ€

How do Affirmations Help Self Care?

Self care affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself daily to help promote self-care and self-improvement. 

When you repeat these positive statements regularly, youโ€™ll change how you think and feel about yourself and your life.

For example, affirming statements like โ€œIโ€™m committed to self-care, and It isnโ€™t selfishโ€ can change how you practice and commit to your self-care routine.

Are Affirmations Part of Self Care?

Yes, because speaking kindly and affirming positively to yourself can help you cultivate self-compassion, confidence, self-loving mindset. 

And when you constantly practice self care affirmations, either using journaling prompts or speaking them. 

Affirmations for self care change how you see yourself. It can help you become less anxious and motivated to chase and focus on your goals and overall well-being.

Incorporating self care affirmations into your self-care routine helps promote a more positive and nurturing relationship with yourself, which can ultimately help improve your overall well-being.

More Helpful Blog Posts on Self Care

Finally, speaking positive self care affirmations without intentionally putting effort into improving yourself is useless.

To manifest the life of your dreams and bring your positive affirmation statements to reality, you need to be intentional about it.

Which self care affirmation resonates well with you? Do you have your โ€œpower wordsโ€ that fuel you, or youโ€™ll be using some in this list? Let me know in the comments.

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Free printable and digital affirmation cards
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These Mindset Booster Affirmation Cards? Theyโ€™re the perfect morning pick-me-upย to show up for yourself every day with intention and confidence. Print or use as wallpaper.

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