How to be a girlboss and chnage your life

What girl boss habits will change my life? How to be a Girlboss? Let me rephrase this question, how can I be a successful Girlboss?

If these questions are running through your mind as you wrap your head around the idea of becoming a Girlboss in 2024.

But here is the unfiltered truth; Being a Girlboss is not just an idea. 

In fact, being a girl boss is a lifestyle. It’s a culture; it means taking charge of your life and being intentional about who you’re, where you want to be, and who you want to become.

You want to learn how to be a girlboss. In that case, you must first learn to be confident, love yourself unconditionally, be intentional about your goals, and, most importantly, be ready to design and work to achieve the life of your dreams.

Often than not, the idea of becoming a Girl boss is often associated with Bitter feminism (that’s not the topic today).

While the term “Girl Boss” may not solely be associated with feminism, it can often be seen as a way for women to empower themselves and take control of their own lives and careers. 

However, being a Girlboss is not just about achieving success or smashing goals but also about having a clear sense of purpose and identity. 

Yes, understanding oneself and potential are essential to being a Girl Boss. 

Many people struggle with understanding their full potential and the impact they can make in the world. 

Being a Girl Boss involves recognizing and embracing one’s strengths and using them to make a positive impact.

To become a girl boss, you must consciously admit that you’re “THE WHOLE PACKAGE.”

If you’re not there yet, I understand entirely. I also struggled with discovering my most authentic self.

Therefore, in this blog post, you’ll find 23 actionable tips for being a girl boss in 2024 and taking charge of your life. Let’s dig in!

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How to Be a Girl boss Book?

I remember reading the #Gilrboss book at 18 during my second year at the University. And it shaped my mindset positively.

Written by entrepreneur Sophia Amoruso, #Girlboss offers practical advice and inspiring insights for women who want to build their businesses or take their careers to the next level. 

And Through her experiences, Amoruso shares her secrets to success, including tips for cultivating a strong work ethic, developing a personal brand, and navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

The beautiful part is the book is easy to read and yet rich in advice.

Who is a Gilrlboss? What defines a girl boss? How can I be a girl boss?

What Defines a Girlboss?

Popularized by Sophia Amoruso in her life-changing and best-selling book #GIRLBOSS. A girl boss is an inspirational, passion-driven woman, intentional about taking charge of her life and career.

She is a goal-getter, confident but not rude, loves and protects her peace, and doesn’t spill hatred. She is not a “mean girl with an attitude problem.”

A girl’s boss understands her worth and won’t accept anything less. She’s intentional about her education and growth in all aspects of her life.

Let’s delve into 23 ways you can develop a girl boss attitude and habits and change your life this year.

Girlboss tips on How to be a successful girlboss and

23 Practical Ways on How to Be a Girl boss and Change Your Life;

Are you ready to learn to be a girl boss who stands out yet is intentional about her lifestyle, work, relationships, and how she treats people?

1 | Discover Your Passion and Run with It

What are you passionate about? What do you love the most? This may be your job. It may be reaching out to others. You may enjoy working out, traveling, or building a business.

While learning to be a girl boss, your first step is to discover who you are, your passion, what makes you, what breaks you, and where you picture yourself in a few years.

Yes, discovering your passion and pursuing it with determination and hard work (smart work) can help you become a successful girl boss in several ways.

It will motivate you and help you build resilience, confidence, and expertise. 

Therefore, if you’re still on the fence and confused about your passion and your next step;

Take a journal, write the top things you’re passionate about, and rate them on a scale of one to 5. 

And select the one that resonates more with you, who you want to become, and where you see yourself in a few years.

How to be a girlboss and transform your life in 2023

2| Set Clear and Achievable Goals

Successful girl bosses take out time to plan their life, business, health, lifestyle, education, career, family, and relationship. 

Okay! You know this famous song by Queen Bee, “Who runs the world, Girls.”

But, I’m not sorry to tell you that if you don’t have a clear, set goal, you can’t run the world, perhaps can’t even run your life”.

To be a girl boss, you must set SMART, realistic goals and understand that setting realistic, achievable, and actionable goals will transform your life and how you live. 

Setting Smart goals provides direction, focus, clarity, and motivation even when you face obstacles, boosts your confidence, and helps you build momentum.

Also, when you set clear and achievable goals, you create a tool for accountability as you can track your progress and encourages you to grow.

3 | Prioritize your Self Care

One important tip for learning how to be a Girlboss is prioritizing yourself and being intentional about self-care and treating your body.

It’s so easy to get caught in the rat race of wanting to be successful that you may sometimes fail to take a minute to breathe, look after yourself, or even practice self-care.

If you really want to become a Girlboss who is in charge of her life, has peace of mind, loves herself, and has self-compassion. 

Then, adding a simple daily or weekly self-care routine to your schedule is essential.


4 | Invest in your Self and Personal Growth

Quick question for you; 

How often do you read? When was the last time you researched trends in your industry? How much money and time do you spend on books, courses, materials, podcasts, and valued information?

One of the best investments you can make is investing in yourself and personal growth.

Because you’re the bag, and to stay relevant at work, grow as a person, or become a better person in life, family, and relationship. You need to broaden your mind and acquire knowledge.

Suffice it to say you can only achieve your goals if you develop a girl-boss attitude.

And one essential Girboss habit is intentionally investing in yourself and personal growth.

Therefore today, find podcasts in the area you want to grow, get books, and take courses. 

And if you feel like you need more time to learn. Remember that learning for 5โ€“10 minutes daily is better than not learning at all.

How to be a girlboss reading list

5 | Learn to Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential for everyone, regardless of whether they want to be a “girl boss” or not.

Perhaps, you struggle to set boundaries because you are scared of having conflict with others, lack self-esteem, are a people pleaser, and lack self-awareness.

However, without setting clear boundaries, you’ll experience more problems at work, with people, in your relationship, and with your family.

If you have no boundaries, you’ll get torn out in the hamster wheel of doing everything you hate just to please others.

Boundaries help in establishing healthy relationships, promote self-respect and prevent burnout. 

As a “girl boss,” setting boundaries can help you prioritize your time, avoid over-commitment, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Girl, I want you to say to yourself, “It’s okay to say no.

6 | A Girl Boss Wears Self-Confidence, not Pride

Often than not, successful women are referred to as proud, unsubmissive women who are incapable of maintaining relationships.

While this is not your problem but the problem of society. A girl boss should be kind and wear confidence daily; confidence is different from being proud.

Be confident, walk into the room with your shoulders high, lead others with compassion, and be kind to everyone but have boundaries.

7| Embrace Challenges and Seek New Experiences

“The triumph can’t be had without the struggle,” a quote by Wilma Rudolph, an American track and field athlete who overcame significant challenges to become an Olympic champion.

Have you ever looked at yourself and felt you couldn’t do it? You look at a project and tell yourself you cannot achieve it.

If you want to build a girl boss lifestyle, you must be open to taking on new challenges, do things that scare you, and sit back and learn, even if you fail. 

A personal Story; When I started working on my digital product for my other business years ago. 

I started judging myself.; The first thought that tried holding me back” Will people accept my product?” 

It’s natural to feel afraid or unsure when pursuing something new or putting yourself out there, but it’s important to remember that your fears don’t define you or your potential for success. 

Instead of letting your doubts hold you back, try reframing them as opportunities for growth and learning. 

Trust yourself and your abilities, stay focused on your goals, and keep moving forward with confidence and determination. 

With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve great things and overcome any obstacles that come your way.

Also, building a girl boss mindset is not a walk in the park; you’ll wake up some days feeling unmotivated, but don’t allow impostor syndrome to hold you back from getting your reward.

8 | Take Ownership of your Mistakes and Learn From Them

Mistakes are bound to happen, no matter how perfect you are or how you try to overcome them.

So, if you keep holding on to your past mistakes, you’ll never have the courage to embrace your future.

It’s important to reflect on your mistakes, ask yourself deep questions, and use them as lessons to build a better future.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you regret meeting your partner? 

Instead of holding yourself back from experiencing love again, take a break, work on yourself and your mindset, write down why it failed, and work on having it better in your next relationship.

How to be girl boss by putting all past experiences behind

9 | Focus on your future

Every successful girl boss understands that she is the price, and every action she takes is essential for her future.

One important tip for learning how to be a Girlboss is to be intentional and focused on your future and where you want to be in the next few years.

Are you easily distracted by situations and things around you? Then find the right people to surround yourself with. 

Leave the past behind and take actionable goals that will lead to the future and life that you desire.

10 | Be in Constant Competition with yourself  

There is something I always tell myself, “Faith, you’re enough. You’re in no competition with anyone but yourself”.

Being in constant competition with yourself will help you grow. It will push you to become a better version of yourself.

You need to look in the mirror and understand that the only person you’re constantly competing with is yourself.

11 | Stay Organized and Get your Things Together

Staying organized and getting your things together is an essential Girlnboss habit you need t cultivate when learning how to be a girlboss.

Organizing your life can help you prioritize tasks and better manage your time, an essential tool you’ll generally need as a human. 

If you want to become a successful girl boss, proper time management is not an option but a necessity.

Additionally, staying organized includes managing your relationships, health, and finances, keeping your physical environment tidy, and your work life in order, and maintaining a balance between your work and personal life.

12 | Surround Yourself with Positive People

When you surround yourself with positive people, you gain new perspectives, create networking opportunities, create a positive work culture, build healthy relationships, and, most importantly. 

Surrounding yourself with positive people helps you stay motivated and develop a support system.

For Example: If you’re dealing with an inferiority complex and low self-esteem, you want to surround yourself with people who speak only positive things about you, those who see the best in you, who understand that no one is perfect and that you’re a work in progress.

Additionally, try not to keep company with those who remind or drag you back to the habit or chapter you want to leave behind.

Another example; If you’re dealing with low self-esteem, you should avoid those who constantly compare you with others.

If you’re a procrastinator, hang out often with goal-getters and those intentional about their dreams.

There is this infamous quote from the Bible, the book of Proverbs, “iron sharpeneth iron.” 

Therefore, surround yourself with “irons” that will sharpen you to become a successful girl boss.

Surround yourself with positive people to become a girlboss

13 | Practice Self Love 

You want to be Girlboss, and yet you don’t love yourself?

The truth is that loving yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally is one of the basis and foundations of becoming a girl boss.

Because choosing yourself, wanting to be better, taking charge of your life, being original, and staying true to your cause are some of the basis of becoming a Girlboss.

How can you take charge of your life when you don’t love yourself?

Don’t get me wrong, no one is perfect. Everyone is a work in progress!

I had low self-esteem and self-confidence issues as a child and teenager, and I became a people pleaser.

When I began learning to be a girl boss, I realized that loving myself wholeheartedly and embracing my imperfections while working to improve myself isn’t an option but a necessity.

So, think about how to love yourself better today and start working on them.

14 | Show up Consistently and Be Intentional 

Anil Sinha quotes, “If you encounter setbacks, make yourself strong enough not to be discouraged. Never give up. Perseverance, determination, and consistency are key to overcoming any eventuality.”

Being successful at anything requires consistency! 

There needs to be more than just learning how to be a girl boss to be successful. 

Because for you to be successful, you need to consistently work on achieving your goals. Whether these goals are personal or work-related. 

While scrolling through Instagram today, I came across a post “It doesn’t matter if you feel your business is better than your competition. If your competitions show up more than you, people will trust their products and eventually buy from them“.

Therefore, Being consistent and intentional can help you become a girl boss by enabling you to focus on your goals and take deliberate actions towards achieving them, building a solid work ethic, creating a positive reputation, developing valuable skills, and establishing a personal brand.

be consistent if you want to be a girlboss

15 | Lead with Empathy and Compassion

Okay! It’s common to find a boss who comes into the office and everyone cheerful before her arrival starts looking tense or scrambling to do things.

While this is a toxic work culture. When you lead without empathy and compassion, you come off as rude, and your team members may underperform.

And leading with compassion doesn’t apply to work alone. Think about your home, relationship, friendship, and even yourself.

When you lead with compassion and empathy, you create a positive and inclusive workplace culture, build strong relationships with your team and clients, and inspire loyalty and trust. 

Being empathetic and compassionate can help you better understand your team and clients’ needs and concerns, make better decisions, and take appropriate actions to support them. 

Additionally, leading with empathy and compassion can help you differentiate yourself as a leader and build a strong reputation in your industry.

16 | Work Hard to Achieve Your Goals

Good things come to those who hustle smartly!

Successful Girllbosses achieve their goals. So, if you want to learn how to be a girl boss or build girl boss habits, start with setting Smart goals and consistently work to achieve those goals.

Whether your goal is paying off your student loan, buying a house, eating healthy, losing weight, traveling, quitting your job, and becoming a freelancer.

To achieve any goal, you must create a plan of action and work towards achieving it daily. Otherwise, your goals will be “a wish on paper.”

How to be girl boss by putting all past experiences behind

17 | Maintain Privacy 

While chasing clout on social media helps in building engagement or going viral. Many tend to overshare on these platforms as a personal diary.

 Whereas those you’re sharing this information with are there, hanging around for entertainment.

A wise woman knows what to share, what to keep private, and what is essential.

If you want to be a valuable Girlboss, learn to keep private and personal information away from ears that you don’t hear about it.

But, If you need to speak or pour out your heart, seek advice from professionals, therapists, and those who genuinely care about you.

18 | Be Confident and Trust Yourself

Self-confidence and trust are the most essential Girl boss tip you’ll need today. You need to wholesomely trust and have faith in yourself.

To become your most authentic self, you must stop judging and comparing yourself with others and their “success” or look down on yourself because you feel others have it all.

I’ll tell you for free; no one has it all. So stop seeking validation from others and see the best in yourself.

19 | Respect Yourself and Others 

If you don’t respect yourself enough, others can’t respect you, and you’ll definitely have no boundaries if you don’t respect yourself.

And when you lack boundaries, others disrespect and look down on you.

By respecting yourself and setting clear boundaries, you can establish your worth and ensure that others treat you with the same respect. 

This can help you build confidence and assertiveness, essential qualities of a successful girl boss.

Additionally, by valuing and acknowledging the perspectives, opinions, and contributions of others, you can build strong relationships and collaborations that can help you succeed in your career.

20 | Celebrate your Small Wins

Do you know it’s so easy to keep your eyes on the big goals that you may not realize you’ve achieved many small wins?

If you find yourself in a rut, feeling unfulfilled, and feeling like you’re making no progress in life and business.

Try this simple hack, take out your journal or a blank book and write out every small win you have accomplished in the last 3-6 months.

For example, If your goal is to lose 10 kg in 6 Months, If you lose 2 kg in 3 months, celebrate that win. Because if you can lose that 2 kg, you can shed 10 kg.

READ: How to Journal effectively for Life Transformation

21 | Find a Mentor

One of the fastest ways to grow in any aspect of your life, whether business, career, family, etc., is having a mentor or people you admire.

While I’m not a huge fan of following others, especially trying to model yourself out of what you see others do on social media. 

Because this can be the fastest way to failure, lack of contentment, jealousy, and low self-esteem.

Having a mentor who shares similar values or is on a level, you hope to achieve one day can help you achieve your goals faster.

Does your mentor have courses, books, podcasts, and programs showing how they achieve what you hope to achieve? Then buy their offers and learn from them.

22 | Develop Routines

Every successful Girlboss have a daily routine they follow. Do you want to become productive and do more daily? Start with creating a morning routine

If you need help prioritizing self-care, consider creating and using a self-care menu.

Whether you’re trying to grow a business, build and progress in your career, raise and grow a family, or build a girl-boss lifestyle, you need to have a routine.

have a healthy breakfast as part of your selfcare morning routine

23 | Work on your Mindset and Affirm Positively

When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to take risks, make bold decisions, and persevere through challenges. 

Affirming positive statements about yourself can help you build self-confidence and reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities.

When you adopt a girl-boss mindset, you cultivate determination, resilience, and grit, which are essential for success in your personal and professional life.

Are you struggling with self-confidence issues? Affirm positive statements such as; “I am bold, beautiful, and built for greatness.”

If you are scared of failing and feel like you’re not progressing, affirmations like “I’m a 7-figure business owner, I’m successful, my story will change lives” can help you develop a girl boss mindset.

Girlboss tips on How to be a successful girlboss and

How to Be a Girl Boss FAQ

Some frequently asked questions and answers on how to be a Girl boss.

How Can I Be a Better Girl Boss?

The first quality of a Girl boss is the zeal, perseverance, passion, and commitment to become better, achieve her goals, and stop conforming to limiting beliefs set by others. 

So if you want to become a Girlboss, start working on yourself and pick the best Girlbosss tips in this blog post for you and work with them. 

But remember to show yourself kindness and that you’re a work in progress.

What are examples of Girlbosses?

While there are many Girlbosses in different niches, industries, and Career Fields. 

Who you describe as a Girlboss is relative to how you measure their success and how inspirational you find them. 

Here is a list of my Favorite Ladybosses and Girlboss; Jenna Kutcher, Canva CEO Melanie Perkins, Chelsea Clarke of Herpaperroute, Monica Froese, etc

Is Girl Boss an Insult?

Many women use the term “Girlboss” to describe themselves as empowered and successful in their careers. 

For some women, being a Girlboss implies that a woman’s success is somehow exceptional.

Although, some people believe it puts pressure on women to constantly prove themselves and their worth in a way that men are not subjected to.

Ultimately, whether or not the term “girl boss” is an insult depends on your perspective and the context in which it is used. While some women may embrace the term to celebrate their achievements, others may reject it as a reductive and limiting label.

More Helpful Self-Growth Tips

Finally, what are the limiting beliefs you had about yourself? And how can you change that, so you can take charge of your life?

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