A woman in a white dress standing in a field, a featured image about manifesting affirmations

You probably have read about manifestation affirmations and other positive affirmations a zillion times (oh, okay, that’s an exaggeration).

And you’re thinking, how can I make these manifesting affirmations work for me to achieve my desired outcome?

Perhaps “another self-help trick?”

Here me out, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill positive quotes and “I am perfect, I am happy” kind of affirmations.

Manifestation affirmations are powerful tools that help shift your mindset and, potentially, your reality.

These powerful affirmations can help you transform your mindset, and shift your focus from negative to positive.

Think about all the times you’ve looked at yourself negatively “I can’t achieve this, everything seems to be working for everyone else but me, I am not beautiful enough, I can’t attract or manifest the love I desire, I am not ready for a promotion, rather I’m not qualified enough for a promotion.”

Imagine saying all these hurtful negative statements that could become self-fulfilling prophecies because they hinder you from thinking positively.

And even when a favorable opportunity is right before you – you may not recognize it.

Because you’re conditioning your mind to see only the worst.

With these manifestation affirmations, you’ll counter those negative thoughts, replacing doubt with belief and fear with confidence, self-hate with self-love, and impossibilities with a positive I can do it mindset.

Thus, after reading this blog post, you’ll know the difference between manifestation affirmations, and regular affirmations. Plus, ways to make these affirmations work for you.

Also, you’ll have a list of the best 150 manifestation affirmations for love, money, success, health, and morning affirmations to start your day right.

Before that, what is the difference between manifestation affirmations and regular affirmations?

Manifestation Affirmation Meaning

Manifestation affirmations are positive statements, quotes, and phrases you say to yourself as if your desired reality is already happening to attract and make something happen.

For example, instead of saying “I am successful – you’ll say I am making 6 figures, living in my dream home by the beach.”

This type of affirmation is rooted in the law of attraction, where you repeat positive statements, believing you’ll bring to life your intentions.

So how is this different from other positive affirmations?

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The Difference Between Manifestation Affirmations and Affirmations

Most persons use these affirmations interchangeably, but they’re slightly different.

Regular positive affirmations such as “I am loved, I am happy, I am worthy” are affirmations you say in the present to feel good about yourself or something else.

They are often ambiguous, and not about a particular goal.

On the other hand, manifestation affirmation is a type of affirmation where you focus on the future.

You say these affirmations in the past tense like they’re true, have already happened, or are happening in your life. It’s like placing an order on the universe.

The goal of manifestation affirmation is to attract what you desire into your life through positive thinking and intentionally working to achieve those goals.

Majorly, the regular positive statements focus on internal change to improve self-image and mental health.

While manifestation affirmation is for attracting specific external changes, experiences, or achievements.

Below is an example of both affirmations

Regular affirmations:

  • Regular affirmation: I am confident in my abilities.
  • Manifestation affirmation: I am celebrating my promotion to Senior Manager, leading a team of 20 and earning a six-figure salary.

Another example of manifestation affirmations example is the lucky girl syndrome affirmation.

Without further ado, here are the best 150 Positive Manifesting Affirmations for attracting your dream life and goals.

150 Powerful Manifestation Affirmations for Manifesting and Attracting Your Desired Reality

These are powerful manifestation affirmations for starting your day, success, money, self-love, health, and 369 method affirmations.

Power Manifestation Affirmations for Success

  1. I am aligned with the energy of abundance and prosperity.
  2. My success in my side hustles allows me to live the life I desire.
  3. I am now living my most authentic, empowered, and successful self.
  4. I am debt-free and financially independent.
  5. My new passive income streams generate wealth while I sleep.
  6. I attract and have ideal team members who amplify my success.
  7. I am now operating at my highest potential in all endeavors.
  8. The universe aligns to bring me rapid success.
  9. I attract opportunities for additional income.
  10. Success comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  11. I am now living at my highest potential.
  12. I am now manifesting my biggest dreams into reality
  13. I am living my ideal successful life.
  14. My success benefits me and all around me.
  15. My investments multiply into hundreds of thousands rapidly and consistently.
  16. I find fulfillment, joy, and success in my interests.
  17. My success story inspires millions around the world.
  18. I am now living my most extraordinary, successful life in all areas I desire.
  19. I am living in my ideal home by the beach (put where you desire) in (country).
  20. My creative ideas manifest into successful realities.
  21. I absorb knowledge effortlessly and succeed in my studies.
  22. I deserve successful breaks that bring me to my place of rest.
  23. I am now thriving in my dream job.
  24. I am beginning to let go of limiting beliefs daily.
  25. My future is secure with abundant resources.

Morning Manifestation Affirmations

  1. I am thankful for this new day – I make the most out of it positively.
  2. I am the creator of my reality. I manifest my desires (list them) for today.
  3. I am open to a fresh start today.
  4. I am grateful for the opportunities that today will bring. I embrace them with a positive mindset.
  5. Today aligns itself for my highest good.
  6. I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly for me.
  7. My mind is clear, and my intentions for the day are powerful.
  8. I am achieving all I set my mind to do today, bringing me closer to my goals in life.
  9. I attract supportive and uplifting people into my life.
  10. Today, I choose to find joy, peace, and love in every moment, no matter how tough.
  11. I trust myself and my inner wisdom and I make decisions that bring me good rewards.
  12. I consistently chase my big goals daily (name the goal).
  13. I am at peace with who I am and where I am going.
  14. I am committed to my personal and professional growth.
  15. Today is full of potential, and I am ready to seize it.
  16. Today, I create my own opportunities.
  17. My body’s doing its best for me, and I’m thankful for the energy it gives me to tackle the day.
  18. I embody the future version of myself who has already achieved my biggest goals.
  19. I’m living true to what matters to me. It feels good.
  20. Good things that fit my skills and interests are coming my way today.
  21. I’m connecting with people who get me and want to see me win.
  22. I eliminate distractions today and approach the day one task at a time.
  23. I have food on the table and a roof over my head – that’s awesome, and I’m not taking it for granted.
  24. Only good things happen to me daily.
  25. I am empowered with the right mindset.
A Pinterest Pin with morning manifestation affirmations

Manifestation Affirmations for Money

  1. Every dollar I spend comes back to me in multiple folds.
  2. Wealth and financial prosperity surround me in all areas of life.
  3. My income exceeds my expenses.
  4. My fears about money are gone. I cultivate a healthy money mindset.
  5. My money serves me.
  6. I live in abundance and not lack.
  7. Money flows to me quickly and effortlessly.
  8. I effortlessly create multiple streams of income that allow me to earn six figures monthly.
  9. I am deserving of wealth without guilt or shame.
  10. My wealth and spiritual beliefs co-exist harmoniously in my world.
  11. I am at peace with having more than enough money.
  12. I release the mindset that nothing works for me, as I am living a life of wealth and success.
  13. Money is nothing but a tool that allows me to manifest my dreams. I let go of a mindset to worship money.
  14. My bank account is growing daily in a way that brings me happiness.
  15. I let go of any family or cultural limitations around money.
  16. Money flows to me freely, whether I work or rest.
  17. My fear of success dissolves, allowing wealth to flow freely to me.
  18. I release the belief that money is the root of evil.
  19. I am a money magnet.
  20. I am so lucky that money finds its way to me daily.
  21. I make healthy financial choices that bring me more financial returns.
  22. I am grateful for my ever-increasing financial knowledge.
  23. I am thankful that I have the wealth to live comfortably.
  24. I spend my money wisely.
  25. I release self-doubts. I am at peace with handling large sums of money with fear.
A list of Money manifesting affirmations for attracting financial abundance

Self Love, Confidence, and Health Manifestation Affirmations

  1. I’m proud of how I care for my mental health and physical health.
  2. I accept that my worth isn’t tied to other people’s opinions.
  3. No one has the power to bring me down but me. I let go of negative self-talk from others that’s hurting me.
  4. I love myself deeply, it’s not selfish, and feels right for me.
  5. I’m nourishing myself with tasty, healthy meals daily.
  6. I’m getting better at setting healthy boundaries with others. It feels good to put myself first sometimes.
  7. I accept compliments instead of brushing them off. I truly deserve them.
  8. My self-esteem grows daily.
  9. I’m getting better at forgiving myself, I let go of past mistakes.
  10. My body, mind, and spirit are in harmony. I feel balanced and at peace.
  11. I do things that allow my body to perform at its healthiest.
  12. I am committing to my wellness goals.
  13. I excuse myself from situations that affect my mental health.
  14. Handling situations like my best would is empowering. I commit to take a step backward if it gets too heated.
  15. I am enough and need no external validation from social media.
  16. I’m falling in love with taking care of myself – mind, body, and soul.
  17. Practicing self-care is good for me, I embrace it wholeheartedly.
  18. I am patient with my self-growth journey.
  19. Old hurts no longer define.
  20. I no longer evaluate my strength by the hurts and challenges I have faced, but by how quickly I recover (this changed my life).
  21. I am a powerful manifestor of the good life.
  22. I release all my fears and doubts about living a healthy life.
  23. My sleep is improving.
  24. I wake up daily feeling refreshed, and ready for a new day.
  25. Life is good to me, the universe aligns to grant me my desires.
A list of for Self Love, Confidence, and Health Manifestation Affirmations

Relationship, Love Manifestation Affirmations & For Attracting A Specific Person

  1. I am giving and receiving love in healthy ways.
  2. I attract people who appreciate me for who I am.
  3. I am worthy of a loving, respectful relationship.
  4. I am becoming the kind of partner I want to attract.
  5. I am a kind partner.
  6. I receive kindness daily from others.
  7. I am learning from my past relationships and growing wiser.
  8. I attract a partner that matches my energy and values.
  9. I understand having a healthy relationship is a lot of work. I commit to becoming my best self.
  10. I let go of the need to be right always and seek ways to face challenges with my partner as a unit.
  11. I am beginning to let go of the need to control my love life.
  12. I choose to be emotionally vulnerable and available.
  13. I trust my intuition a love that’s wholesome and healthy will find me when I’m ready for it.
  14. I prioritize setting healthy boundaries in my relationships.
  15. I attract friends who love and support me.
  16. I’m learning to love myself more each day.
  17. I commit to walking away If a relationship doesn’t bring me peace.
  18. I am patient and trust in the timing of my love life.
  19. I am becoming more authentic in my relationships.
  20. I am learning to communicate my needs clearly and kindly.
  21. I meet new people and form new, healthy connections.
  22. I trust that the right person will appreciate me for who I truly am.
  23. I am worthy of a loving relationship that respects my boundaries, and nourishes me.
  24. My relationships bring me happiness and not tears.
  25. I commit to creating a fulfilling life that aligns with my values and attracts like-minded people.

A Pinterest Pin format with list of manifesting affirmations for love, relationship and specific person

369 Manifestation Affirmations

The 369 affirmation is a method of affirmation by Nokia Tesla, where you write down what you want to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night.

The idea is that by repeating your desire this way, you’re focusing your energy and thoughts on it, which supposedly helps make it happen.

  1. I am becoming better at saying “no” when I need to.
  2. My space is becoming more “me” every day.
  3. I’m the kind of person others like to be around.
  4. I’m getting better at letting things go and moving on.
  5. My big ideas aren’t too big – they’re just right.
  6. Speaking up for myself is getting easier.
  7. There’s always something to smile about if I look for it.
  8. I’m on the right path, even if it seems messy sometimes.
  9. People feel good when they’re around me.
  10. Taking time for myself isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.
  11. My mind’s becoming a friendlier place to hang out in.
  12. Done is better than perfect – I make tiny progress daily.
  13. My heart’s big enough for all the love it gets.
  14. I am extending mercy and love to myself and others daily.
  15. Life’s getting more interesting and fun every day.
  16. I am bringing more calm into my world and others.
  17. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment.
  18. The universe aligns for my good.
  19. I am confident in my skin.
  20. I believe these affirmations work for me.
  21. I am surrounded by great opportunities and I embrace them.
  22. Love lives in my heart.
  23. I am enough now and always.
  24. I attract opportunities that align with my true purpose.
  25. I release the need for perfection and embrace progress.
A list of 369 method Manifestation Affirmations

How Often Should I Repeat My Affirmations?

You may ask – Okay, Faith, how often should I repeat these affirmations for them to work?

Affirmations work by conditioning your mind to believe you can achieve your desired outcome.

With that said, repeating your affirmations daily is Ideal.

What I like to, during my morning routine when journaling, I choose 2–3 main manifestation mantras for the day and repeat them in the morning, randomly in the afternoon, and at night.

The type of affirmation I use for the day depends on the area I am working on at the time.

Additionally, you can use the 369 method by Nikola Tesla, where you repeat your affirmations 3 times in the morning, 6 times at noon, and 9 times in the evening.

How to Use These Affirmations to Manifest Your Reality?

Wondering how to use these affirmations to manifest your desired reality? Here are steps to make these affirmations work for you.

1. Use Powerful Affirmations and Believe It Works

One of my favorite things about affirmations is when you consistently say it. These words take a deep root in your mind.

And for affirmations to work for you – you must first believe that you can change your reality using these positive mantras.

First, go through this list and create your list of affirmations that resonate with you.

Consider your emotions, situation, where you’re in life, and the goals and dreams you want to achieve.

For example, if you desire to manifest a relationship and a loving partner that puts you first, go for love affirmations that speak to your desired reality.

You don’t have to say everything on this list, choose what works for you.

2. Say these Manifestation Affirmations Consistently

Consistently repeating your affirmations can boost your confidence, shape your thoughts, and condition your mind to believe that you can manifest your desires and even help ease stress and anxiety.

In the morning, I say my affirmations while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Additionally, using the 369 affirmation method is a powerful way to consistently say these affirmations.

3. Write Your Affirmations

If you believe something good will happen to you, write it down. Writing your affirmations is called scripting.

With manifestation affirmations, you script like they already happened, or happening to you.

When writing, visualize your desires manifesting, you feel the emotions, and write them as they come to you.

PS: I love to keep a journal for all my affirmations, and this is so easy to incorporate into your morning routine.

4. Visualize and Align Your Emotions and Take Action

If you desire a change in an area of your life, affirming it daily will work on your belief, but you need to take action to bring those affirmations to reality.

Do you desire a car? Saying the universe will bring me a car, will not move a car from a dealer’s shop to your house.

However, affirming what you want will reinforce your mindset that you can achieve this. Next, set goals and put in the work to achieve your desires.

So take a moment to write your desires, and set goals for them. Use a vision board to visualize your affirmations.

That way, you’re not wishing but aligning yourself, thought patterns, and emotions while taking necessary actions to manifest your desires.

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